
Get started with State Management


Hi, Everyone, hope you are doing great !

Today, I’ll explain you all the learnings I’ve gained from implementing State Management in react, Honestly when I started it felt very hard and confusing at the same time, if Everything works fine without it why should i even waste my time learning it, but then I found something very interesting.

In react every time you’ll try to create a web component, you’ll need to pass some props let’s a react card component for a user you’ll need userName, Age, more data… and usually I would do -

const Card = ({name, age, etc..})=>{

return (






and will define state variables to utilise this reusable code. But did you know that every time a state changes the whole app will render.

What’s a render ?

Alright so When the state of your variable changes/ value in short. The browser will re-render the whole component which means wastage to CPU, which ultimately will lead to performance downsides.

But Don’t worry my friend, I’ve something for you.

State Management : It won’t just help you manage your props but also will help you optimize the re-renders in your react web components.

Steps to work with Recoil

  1. Install the library

  2. create a seperate folders for Atoms and Selectors. (We’ll come to this).

  3. import your first atom from recol library

Now what the heck is an Atom ?

Consider a JS object which could hold a state variable or could become a state variable without actually defining a built in hook.

Let’s understand it from Syntax

So, this atom will hold to properties a key which makes it unique and a default value let’s say 0 in our case.

Now we have our atom, we need some built in hooks to extract the values from the Atom :

Now, we see two hooks here :

  1. useRecoilValue : consider it as something which will help us get the value of the atom. in our case it was 0 later we can update by using useSetRecoilState();

  2. In the Beginning it might sound very hard but if carefully see it very similar to useState() with a value and a function.

  3. Now you are ready to implement